Subject Re: [firebird-support] Ruby on Rails
Author Alexandre Benson Smith
Steve Wiser wrote:
> We are also looking into using Rails for a project and the FireRuby
> adapter doesn't seem to like blobs... Anyone doing anything in
> production with Ruby on Rails and Firebird?
> -steve

No news from my side.

I had again starting build some tests.

One thing I dislike was the Naming Convention, my name convention is
quite different from what rails expects (for a new project I could adopt
the rails expected convetion, but my main prupouse is to rails intaract
with a "legacy" (from the rails point of view) database that doesn't
follow it's convetions), I managed to change some configurations to
handle that, but the generator name was one that I didn't find a way to
override the naming convention, for my little test I changed the
Firebird adapter code directly (Yes ! It's not a good option), but so
far it's just what I needed, I will join a Rails mailing list shortly
after I get my first steps and will ask there.

About the Blob thing:
In my tests I didn't used blobs yet, so could not say anything, I am
going slow with ruby and rails (on my very few free time), but will look
on Blobs and report back to you.

One thing I could suggest is to contact the Firebird adapter author to
see what he could tell about it.

see you !

Alexandre Benson Smith
THOR Software e Comercial Ltda
Santo Andre - Sao Paulo - Brazil