Subject Re: [firebird-support] FB2.0: Blob character set I/O
Author Richard Wesley
On Jan 23, 2007, at 13:48, Leyne, Sean wrote:

> By default, the engine does not care about the data which is stored
> in a
> BLOB field. The interpretation is left to the application program to
> handle.

I don't buy that, because collation and character set are defined for
text blobs. In 2.0 you can say

create table blobtable (blobfield blob sub_type text character set
ISO8859_1 collate EN_US);
insert into blobtable(blobfield) values('Row 1');
insert into blobtable(blobfield) values('Row2');
select * from blobtable order by blobfield asc;

In order to do this ordering, the engine MUST care about the format
of the data in the blob. The SQL interpreter is doing the mapping
here, but I was wondering what was the right way to do the same thing
using the ibase API ?
Richard Wesley Senior Software Developer Tableau