Subject RE: [firebird-support] Re: Installing Firebird 2.0 on Xen AMD64
Author Michael Möhle
My Question again. Do you have AppArmor enabled?? It can prevent fb from
Its a security tool from Novell/SuSE. Look here :
If you have installed AppArmor you must create a so called 'Profile' for
your App.(FB)
If you dont do it AppArmor will proactively protect the operating system!
Or just uninstall AppArmor.



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-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
[]Im Auftrag von Tom Miller
Gesendet: Dienstag, 23. Januar 2007 16:53
Betreff: Re: [firebird-support] Re: Installing Firebird 2.0 on Xen AMD64

Done. I don't think it is the permissions, at least at the directory /
file level. I can attach directly to the DB but not through IP as the
Firebird user.

Helen said something about installing as the Firebird user instead of
the root. Should I try that next?

Steve Wiser wrote:
> The point of su'ing to firebird is so you can see for yourself if you
> have the proper permissions to access the fdb file.... The firebird
> server is trying to access the file as the firebird user. The easiest
> test to see if the permissions are correct is to become the firebird
> user and walk the directories from / all the way to the fdb database and
> then make sure your firebird group has access to that database file.
> -steve
> Thomas Miller wrote:
>>>>> do you have the proper permissions for the firebird user to
>> access the
>>>>> fdb file? Sometimes I like to su to the firebird user to make sure
>>>> that
>>>>> all of the directories leading up to the firebird databases have
>>>> execute
>>>>> access set up properly. Also what does your /etc/hosts file
>> look like?
>>>>> -steve
>> if I su to the firebird user, what does that get me? Different errors?
>> I guess my main problem here is knowing what I should be seeing vs.
>> how the system is configured. For instance, looking through some
>> permission postings in google, it seems that there should be a
>> firebird group. No such group was created during my install. Should
>> there be a firebird group?
>> Right now the group owner is root. Should I then change all of this
>> to firebird group. Should everything have rwx rights?

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