Subject Re: [firebird-support] Re: How to use gbak, gfix and isql on embedded server?
Author Helen Borrie
At 09:28 AM 16/01/2007, you wrote:

>I am worried that after deployment if a database gets corrupted, I
>need better tools such as gfix to fix the problem. That's why I was
>wondering how to use gfix / isql to manage an embedded database.
>Back to the original question: I did the following
>1. On a win2k3 server with firebird service installed, stopped the service
>2. copied firebird embedded files into firebird 1.5 .\bin folder
>3. added ISC_USER of SYSDBA, and ISC_PASSWORD of a junk password, and
>double checked to make sure they were available in commnad prompt
>4. in command prompt, went to the folder with the database, launched
>isql by "isql <database path & name>"
>I got an error of "Statement failed, SQLCODE = -904" "unavailable
>Are the steps wrong?

Yes, they are wrong. What's happening is that fbembed.dll is not
being used as the client, because it hasn't been renamed; so your
connection request is finding the regular client either locally or in
your system path and attempting to connect to the full server, which
is not running.

As to the steps, they are not as recommended for setting up an
embedded application structure on disk. It looks likely that you
haven't followed the installation instructions in the release
notes. I won't waste time and bandwidth describing the recommended
folder structure since it is all docmented.

For a start, you need to rename fbembed.dll to fbclient.dll. You
haven't mentioned that you did this.

Next, each embedded installation needs to be self-contained and able
to find its bits and pieces in its own on-disk folder structure that
is relative to the location of the application executable. What I do
(for own purposes, not deployment) is have a self-contained
application setup for the command-line tools alone, which allows me
to have a single set of tools that I can use independently of the
various other self-contained embedded setups I might have around the system.
