Subject Re: [firebird-support] Is there a parameter value of 'don't care' ?
Author Uwe Grauer
tickerboo2002 wrote:
> Users of my app will be able to fill in parameters that go into a
> query to search for rows. The query has fixed parameters in the where
> clause: i.e.
> where
> Co_name=:Co_Name and
> town=:town and
> Num_Employees=:Num_Employees
> etc
> Let's say the user is not interested in Num_Employees, is it possilble
> to set the parameter so that clause is ignored?
> I assume for varchar entries I can just set Col=* (or is it %?)
> Thanks
> David

No, it can't be ignored.

If you would use like you could use '%%'

Co_name=:Co_Name and
town=:town and
Num_Employees like '%%'
