Subject Re: How to find out buffer size.
Author Mike
> The "Page Buffers" figure in gstat -h tells you this, since it reads
> it from the database header page where the permanent attributes are
> stored.

The reason I want to know is that I am getting an error about database
server not being able to address more memory than 2 GB. The error spit
out by the Firebird 1.5 SS is like this: internal gds software
consistency check (cannot start thread). This was happening anytime I
tried to connect to a second database. There are two databases running
on one server. A restart of the database service fixed the problem.
Before restarting I looked at the memory used. It was close to 2 G but
not quite there. The total available physical memory on the server is 4 G.

I looked the error up on the internet and found on the interbase site
that this is because database server is a 32-bit application and thus
cannot go over 2 GB limit.
This made sense so I decided to check the numbers. From documentation
I figured that maximum memory used by the database server is [Page
Size] b X [Num Of Pages(Cache)] X [Num of Databases]. But now you say that

> In the case of Superserver, this
> could be higher or lower than the Db header (default cache size)
> figure, since the cache is shared by all connections and cache size
> in SS is dynamic and not limited to the default.

so that means there is no way to limit the amount of memory thats
used. Is that so? If it is than what am I to do? Upgrading to 2.0 is
not an option now? To keep restarting database server is not a desired
solution either.

Anyway here are the numbers I gathered:
Database 1:
Page Size: 8192 bytes.
Default Cache Size (Page buffers field from gstat -h): 65536

Database 2:
Page Size: 8192 bytes.
Default Cache Size: 65536

If I use my formula to plug these numbers it does not come close to
the 2 G. 8192 X 65536 X 2 = 1,074,135,040 bytes.

So I guess my question is how to limit the memory used by the database