Subject RE: [firebird-support] Re: Connected user.
Author Alan McDonald
> --- In, "Alan McDonald" <alan@...> wrote:
> >
> > > > FB will continue to see the lost connection until the timeout for
> > > inactive
> > > > connections is triggered. In which case the transactions will be
> > > rolled back
> > > > and resources reclaimed.
> > > > Sounds like a good argument for not preventing multiple user
> connection
> > >
> > > Every user and program has there own connection.
> > > I.e. user a from program x i called userax.
> > > He can only be connected once.
> > > And the program cannot be started more than once.
> > >
> > >
> > > OR
> > > > waiting the timeout OR adjusting the timeout in the conf file.
> > > >
> > > > as per release notes.
> > >
> > > Yes - But our situation has had a connected user for 4 days now.
> > > And I know for a fact, that from 23 O'clock last nigth until 7.30 this
> > > morning, there was NO users connected (Not to Firebird and not to our
> > > terminal server).
> > > But 1 user was stilled connected (if I polled Firebird).
> > >
> > > That 8½ hours - And still connnected.
> > > I think the default timeout is an hour, rigth ?
> > >
> > > Michael
> > >
> > > > Alan
> >
> > check the TS settings - it should timeout, close the session and
> free all
> > resources too. It should happen faster than that
> I sure should.
> Our TS Settings (Terminal Server) is set to 300 seconds (5 minutes).
> Our TS does close the session after the timeout. I have just tested it.
> This test result was, that Firebird relaesed the user.
> But every so often it doesn't.
> I think we have 3 - 4 every week.
> And we have some 400 - 500 connections here to several diff. databased.
> I happens that when I meet in the morning, I have a mail from someone
> complaining.
> The mail is send i.e. at 19 o'clock.
> I can see, that the user logged out from the TS 10 minuttes later.
> There are now no users connected to either TS or FB.
> But FB holds a connection when I read the mail.
> If I'm at my office early enough (Before they start connect) I then
> stop and start the FB server. Problem solved.
> Other times they call me at 11 o'clock. And then I can't do anything
> but tell them to wait until tomorrow.
> Regards
> Michael
> > Alan
> >

well I'd like to get to the bottom of that one but in the mean time i would
distribute a version of the app to the TS server which permits multiple
When you say "polled firebird" - what do you mean? show connections? you see
the name of the person in question?