Subject Re: GBAK - Restore Failure from 1.5 on Linux
Author dr_john_mp
The Linux machine is running SuperServer - same as the PC

command to restore was
GBAK -REP -VER -i -USER XXX -PAS xxx source.fbk destin.fdb

works with the -i but the resultant file cannot enable indexes,
without it fails on the indexes - ie same both ways.

Also tried the process using the backup/restore in IBExpert but that
doesnt give the same detail of the errors.


---, Helen Borrie <helebor@...> wrote:
> At 12:39 AM 5/01/2007, you wrote:
> >Have double checked and apart from the fact that the directory is
> >/opt/firebird/intl there should be no access issues.
> Yep, sorry for that.
> >The GBAK completes if we add in the -i switch, but with all of the
> >indexes INACTIVE. If I then try and activate one of the ones that
> >previous failed, or delete it and try and add it, I again get the
> >I/O error for file ""
> >message.
> >
> >This seems to imply its the Firebird engine rather than GBAK itself.
> Sure, GBAK is just a client application that is firing requests at
> the server. At index restoration time, the server is looking for a
> file that it needs to read from (or write to) for some part of the
> index-building operation and, for some reason, it is receiving a
> blank file name. If it knew what file it was looking for, there
> would be a filespec between the double quotes, instead of a space
> Now that you mention it is Superserver you have installed on the
> Windows machines, the next obvious question to ask is which model you
> have installed on the Posix machine and what syntax you are using
> there for invoking gbak. Could you give it exactly, please?
> >I cannot see any problems with the data, however when I tried to
> >delete all of the data to try the index on an empty table the
> >failed with the same I/O error
> It has to read and write indexes when performing DML.
> >I had identified that a field 'COMMENT' in the original may now be a
> >reserved word and changed it in the original before doing a
> >copy/restore - dont think there are any more.
> >
> >Again the file backs up and runs happily on my desktop and my laptop -
> >both are Windows 2.0 Superservers.
> ./heLen