Subject Re: [firebird-support] Norton or ZoneAlarm stopping local connection
Author Helen Borrie
At 09:03 AM 2/01/2007, you wrote:
>I am not able to connect to FB using a local connection. A while ago I
>had an alert--I think it was Norton, but it may have been
>ZoneAlarm--something about Firebird. I didn't think before I clicked
>to deny the connection and now my local connections are not working. I
>can use remote/TCP-IP just fine.
>I closed ZoneAlarm and tried it and it still does not connect. I've
>looked all over Nortons settings but can not find anything.
>Reinstalled Firebird and still no luck.
>Any one know where i might look?

It's a year since I replaced Norton on my network with Trend Micro
PC-Cillin (and haven't regretted it!). I don't have a Norton admin
console installed anywhere now....However, AFAIR, you need to enable
TCP access to port 3050 BOTH WAYS for specific IP addresses and/or
ranges in one of those Firewall utilities. There is also a setting
somewhere there where you can check a box for something like "Allow
connection from local network" but I seem to recall it doesn't enable
localhost access...other hiccups I seem to recall included that you
had to reboot the server after configuring and that Norton takes a
lot of convincing that, when logged in as Administrator, I was a user
with the required admin privileges!

I have Zone Alarm on one of my old laptops, where I have Classic
installed, and I recall it was pretty simple to enable Localhost
connection on that by allowing program-specific access to port 3050
from port


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