Subject Re: [firebird-support] Re: What's wrong with my Aft-Del-Trigger, can't create it in FB2
Author Helen Borrie
At 08:20 PM 1/01/2007, you wrote:
>Hi Helen
>Thanks for your response. I will explain what I intend to do so that
>you and other can help me with this. I am not totally a newbie but I
>am still approaching the Intermediate stage with FB.
>I have a parent table sPacklingList and a child Table uStock. uStock
>contains entries from multiple parent tables, one of which is
>sPackingList, thus, I was not able to use constraints to delete
>entries in uStock. I was suggested to use triggers. To make the code
>reusable (from FB as well as VFP's SPT) I moved the delete code
> WHERE iPID = :tiID;
>into a SP which takes one parameter tiID and use it in the delete command.
>Now I am trying to call this SP from the After Delete Trigger where I
>would like to pass the Old.iID to this SP named DelUStock. I don't
>need a return value, but if explaining to me is not a big deal I would
>like to return a boolean value which would return a 1 if the delete
>was successful otherwise a 0.

First, you can't retrieve a return value from a trigger. You can,
however, get a return value from your SP. It's hard to think of how
you might use it, though...

Ok, supposing you do have something in mind to use this return value
for, where you have gone wrong is in using a SELECT statement to
invoke your SP. The statement you need is EXECUTE PROCEDURE.

Now, assuming you wrote your SP with a return value, e.g.

create procedure DelUStock(tiID integer)
returns (RetVal smallint)
RetVal = 0;
[ whatever ];
if (foo = bar) then
Retval = 1;

Then, in your trigger, you would need to declare a variable to
receive the return value, e.g.

create trigger....

declare returnvalue smallint;
In the trigger, invoke your SP with

