Subject Re: [firebird-support] Re: Queryerror by Firebird - QT Connection
Author Svein Erling Tysvaer

CREATE TABLE Test(id integer)

(i.e. without the double quotes), then insert your data and try the
select again.


baloo_der_baer981 wrote:
> --- In, Svein Erling Tysvaer
> <svein.erling.tysvaer@...> wrote:
> Hi,
> I use the demo DB from AvERP (you can download it from
> I have created the table with:
> CREATE TABLE "test"("id" integer)
> But I get the same error if I use the following select statement:
> SELECT "id" FROM "test"
> The table creation I had commited.
> Andre
>> Hi Baloo!
>> How was the database created? I know nothing about QT (not even if it
>> works with Firebird), but if a table or field is defined with double
>> quotes (e.g. CREATE TABLE "test"("id" integer)), then it becomes case
>> sensitive. Your select will be converted to all uppercase, i.e. SELECT
>> ID FROM TEST unless you double quote the field and table name
> separately
>> (SELECT "id" FROM "test"). Though I would rather recommend creating the
>> table/field without double quotes to avoid case sensitivity.
>> Your query seems OK, but the error indicates that it is not, and
> that is
>> why I guess it has something to do with the table or field name.
>> Oh, one more thing. You do not mention transactions. Creating a
> table is
>> DDL, and that transaction has to be committed before you do your DML
>> (select, insert etc.). Just thought I should mention this in case your
>> are doing the select just after you created your table.
>> HTH,
>> Set
>> baloo_der_baer981 wrote:
>>> i my problem:
>>> I build a db connection to an 1.5 Firebird db server whit QT - no
>>> problems. I open the connection - no problem. But if I execute a
>>> QSqlQuery I get the following error from query.lastError().text() and
>>> query.lastError().databaseText():
>>> Unsuccessful execution caused by system error that does
>>> not preclude successful execution of subsequent statements
>>> Could not prepare statement
>>> code:
>>> QSqlDatabase db = QSqlDatabase::addDatabase("QIBASE");
>>> db.setHostName("");
>>> db.setDatabaseName("xxx");
>>> db.setUserName("SYSDBA");
>>> db.setPassword("masterkey");
>>> if(
>>> {
>>> QSqlQuery query;
>>> query.exec("SELECT id FROM test");
>>> }
>>> I have checked the following things:
>>> 1. the table exist
>>> 2. the colum exist
>>> 3. db.lastError().driverText() return no error
>>> 4. db.lastError().databaseText() return no error
>>> I hope you can help me. Thanks.
>>> baloo