Subject Re: firebird c api issues
Author Stan
thanks for the reply.

no, the database is not corrupted, it happens
on a clean database. I can backup/restore just fine and
it happens again.



--- In, "Adam" <s3057043@...> wrote:
> --- In, "Stan" <shizius@> wrote:
> >
> > Hi,
> >
> > I have re-written a part of my application (from PHP) to use the C
> > firebird library.
> >
> > This was done because I ran into:
> > STAN (Server) Tue Aug 01 15:00:47 2006
> > Database: E:\SERVER\DATA\NF5.FDB
> > internal gds software consistency check (invalid SEND request (167))
> >
> > And people here and on the bug-track suggested that the PHP interbase
> > library is buggy.
> >
> > I still get these errors, even with the C api.
> >
> > Background:
> > Both server and client are on the same Windows XP SP2 machine.
> > I am using Firebird 1.5.3 SS (same problem happens in 1.5.2, and 2.0
> RC3)
> > Each client is its own single-threaded process (CGI) written in C++,
> > linked statically with fbclient.dll (from Firebird 1.5.3).
> >
> > I get these errors under heavy load (60+ simultaneous clients)
> > I am NOT doing any "schema changing" statements.
> > The error always happens in the same place in the code:
> > Each client is inserting 1 record into 8 tables followed
> > by an update on 2 of the records that were just inserted.
> > This operation is done in a single transaction. I have tried
> > separate transactions, but had the same result.
> >
> > At the same time other clients are selecting from these tables.
> >
> > I am using the default transaction settings (snapshot, write I think).
> >
> >
> > Also I have a second issue:
> > PDD-STANK (Client) Tue Aug 01 14:31:07 2006
> > INET/inet_error: connect errno = 10061
> >
> > PDD-STANK (Client) Tue Aug 01 14:31:07 2006
> > INET/inet_error: connect errno = 10061
> >
> > PDD-STANK (Client) Tue Aug 01 14:31:07 2006
> > INET/inet_error: connect errno = 10061
> >
> > PDD-STANK (Client) Tue Aug 01 14:31:07 2006
> > INET/inet_error: connect errno = 10061
> >
> > PDD-STANK (Client) Tue Aug 01 14:31:07 2006
> > INET/inet_error: connect errno = 10061
> >
> > these occur very ofter under load. I did not get these errors
with PHP.
> It seems possible to me that your database has some corruption, given
> that your program crashes in the same place, it is possibly only a
> record level error, possibly in a back version.
> Can you gbak backup the database without it crashing?
> Adam