Subject Re: [firebird-support] Multiple databases on same server question
Author Milan Babuskov
myles@... wrote:
> After thinking this through, I'm considering that we could have thousands of
> separate Firebird databases running on multiple separate servers, to handle
> this request. Any individual server will probably have 100+ databases on
> it. I understand that each server runs a single security database for user
> accounts, etc.

Make sure that access to Firebird is only possible via your web app. and
it should be fine.

> but other than this consolidation, are there any issues I
> should be concerned about with this architecture that others have
> encountered?

Server RAM (memory). If you're going to have 100+ databases in use,
you're probably going to have 100+ attachments, so it's all question of
number of concurrent users per database. You should also weight whether
to go with SuperServer or Classic. If not many databases are going to be
used at once, but by many users, then SS might be a much better choice.

You might also consider to have some machines dedicated to Firebird and
others to Apache/PHP. Just find the right ratio (one Apache/PHP server
per 30 Firebird servers, for example). It would also make administration
simpler, as you would have the application in single place.

Milan Babuskov