Subject Re: [firebird-support] From IB 7.5 to FB 1.5.3
Author Ann W. Harrison
Johannes Pretorius wrote:
> gbak: ERROR: arithmetic exception, numeric overflow, or string truncation
> gbak: Exiting before completion due to errors
Firebird and InterBase have had six years of independent development
with programmers who have different goals. The Firebird developers
are more rigorous about detecting potential errors.

> I then just for fun tried to remotely backup from the FB Server with
> the Fb's gbak program the database on the IB machine , this ran well
> but gave the same error on a different SP.

That's the right procedure, generally, but I would start by using ISQL
to extract the system metadata from the database - using InterBase's
ISQL. Then I'd drop all the procedures using InterBase's ISQL again.
Then I'd use Firebird's backup/restore to create a Firebird database.
If that works, I'd try recreating the procedures from the extracted ddl

