Subject Re: Embedded connection to remote FB server
Author alanpltse
Thank you for your comments.

--- In, "Ann W. Harrison"
<aharrison@...> wrote:
> Adam wrote:
> >
> > As with any client library, you must be using the same build on the
> > server and client. Don't use embedded engine from 1.5 to connect to a
> > FB2 server for example.
> >
> The firebird project makes a considerable effort to keep
> interfaces upward compatible. You should not have any
> problem using a V1.x client with a V2 server - other than
> an undefined error message if your application runs into
> a condition that was not previously caught. A V2 client
> should also be able to access V1.5 servers, with the
> exception that V2 features will get error messages of
> various types - normally parse errors indicating that a
> keyword is not recognized.
> Regards,
> Ann