Subject Re: [firebird-support] Linux samba rights
Author Sándor Tamás (HostWare Kft.)
No, we are using Delphi Interbase components, which are connects directly to
the FB service through TCP.
So because FB runs as root, it creates backups as root.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Michael Weissenbacher" <mw@...>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, June 19, 2006 5:34 PM
Subject: Re: [firebird-support] Linux samba rights

> Hi,
>> We have our project saving database every night automatically. It is done
>> partly by FB service, partly by our application. It first creates a
>> backup
>> of database, then our application packs it with some sort of ZIP library.
>> It
>> works great on Windows, but fails on some linux environment.
>> The bad thing, that when FB creates the backup file, it creates with root
>> rights (we tried to change the FB starting script, so the user would be
>> user1, but finally it always starts with root privileges). But when our
>> application tries to pack it on Windows, it tries to read it with user1
>> rights trough samba, so it can't do it, our backup process fails.
>> Any idea how to make this works? This is a very important part of our
>> application, it HAS to work.
> You don't provide enough information about your enviroment to make a
> proper judgement. But I guess you are running gbak as a cronjob, which
> runs as root. You have those options:
> - Run the cronjob as user1, by editing the crontab via "crontab -u user1
> -e" (preferable, because nothing should be run as root without a good
> reasaon)
> - Set the owner to user1 with chown after making the backup
> hth,
> Michael
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