Subject Re: [firebird-support] Swedish characters in LIKE
Author Aage Johansen
pungsven wrote:
> Hi all,
> This might be a simple question for some, but I need to know.
> When I do a select with like and use swedish characters it does not
> work right.
> I use a select statement like:
> My problem is that if the value is not spelled with a upper case this
> statement does not work.
> I suppose I have to change the character set, but wich one should I
> use and how do I do it?

For Norwegian characters I use e.g.
select upper ('abcæøå' collate NO_NO) from rdb$database
My charset is ISO8859_1. The select returns
'ABCÆØÅ' - which most probably is rendered as rubbish in the newsreader...

Try to find a Swedish collation (to replace NO_NO).
Btw, NO_NO works fine for 'östra'.

Aage J.