Subject Re: [firebird-support] Firebird SP Question
Author Shariful Alam
Mr. Myles,

You can use 'union' statement in select statment.

Best Regards
Md. Shariful Alam Khan

--- myles@... wrote:

> Is it possible to have a stored procedure in FB
> execute two separate SELECT
> statements, and return a merged set of results back?
> Forgive me being a
> newbie to creative SELECT statements in SQL, but I
> have a set of data that I
> can get with one select statement, and then another
> set of data from the
> same table with another SELECT statement, and I want
> to return these back
> from the stored procedure in a sorted order so that
> the first set of results
> appear first, and the 2nd set of results are
> 'appended' onto the set.
> Can this be done?
> Myles
> ============================
> Myles Wakeham
> Director of Engineering
> Tech Solutions US, Inc.
> Scottsdale, Arizona USA
> Phone (480) 451-7440

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