Subject Re: [firebird-support] Generator limits
Author Magni Thor Mortensen
Lucas Franzen wrote:
> Magni Thor Mortensen schrieb:
>> Martijn Tonies wrote:
>>>> Is there a limit on how many generators you can create ?
>>> There was a limit before, but in the later Firebird versions,
>>> there's no real limit.
>>> But what is your plan?
>> My plan is to create a generator for each row in a table by an after
>> insert trigger.
> You cannot perform DDL in triggers / stored procedures.
> (well, you can by the means of using EXECUTEMENT STATEMENT but it's a
> bad idea).
> Maybe you should tell us what you like to have these generators for;
> sure there's a better way to achieve whatever you want.
> Luc.
Why is it a bad idea ?

I intend to use these generator to create transaction numbers for rows
in another table:
serie PK

Create trigger table_1_gen for table_1 after insert as begin
execute statement 'create generator g_' || new.serie;

serie PK (FK table 1)
tr PK

I must have a unique sequential tr number in table 2 and I thought it
best to use generators to prevent conflicts.
But I would appreciate any suggestions.

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