Subject Re: [firebird-support] Using external functions in Views
Author Martijn Tonies

> I've used the correct view syntax. However, I think I
> might have some problem with my setup.
> When I'm trying
> select truncate(fTarif) from "MyTable"
> I get the error message:
> Dynamic SQL Error.
> SQL error code = -804.
> Function unknown.
> Same thing for:
> select abs(-1) from rdb$database;
> An error was found in the application program input
> parameters for the SQL statement.
> Dynamic SQL Error.
> SQL error code = -804.
> Function unknown.
> ABS.
> It looks like I can't use any external function. Do I
> have to enable those explicitly somewhere?

Yes, you have to "declare" external functions on a per
database basis.

Somewhere in your Firebird install, there should be
something like "fbudf.sql" - a script file that declares
all functions for you.

Martijn Tonies
Database Workbench - development tool for Firebird and more!
Upscene Productions
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