Subject Re: [firebird-support] Network Problems
Author Lester Caine
John vd Waeter wrote:

> Lester Caine wrote:
>>Little update to this
>>Just got another 'Dataset is currently fetching' pop-up - on anther site
>>that switched to W2003 recently!
>>Looks like that piece of the jigsaw may be linked to W2003.
>>Lester Caine - G8HFL
> Hi Lester, I sometimes notice that popup also. It seems to occur only
> when fetching huge datasets and server-response/connectionspeed is
> slow... but it's definitely an IBO-thing... ask Jason?

The tables that this module is working with are small - 50 records or
less. But that piece of the jigsaw does seem to a 'problem' with

The other problem has no IBO element though ;)

Lester Caine - G8HFL
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