Subject Re: Caculating specific dates for each year
Author Adam
> I've done this by simply working it out and storing the next 20
years in a
> table

Someone elses problem then hey? ;)

> This is where I show just how little I know!
> In the UK our tax year is 2006/05/01 to 2007/04/30 etc etc. I've been
> able to work out how to do yearly reports by manually entering the
> and end dates into a query, but is it possible to use Firebird's brain
> to recognize the start and end date of a new tax year so the
creation of
> new reports can be automatic? i.e. When the clock rolls over from 30th
> April, 2006 to 1st May, 2006, the DB recognizes the fact and starts a
> new tax year block of analysis.

Perhaps a UDF could convert a date to the start of a TAX year (and one
for the end of the TAX year). Firebird could pass in CURRENT_DATE
