Subject Re: How to use the new ROW_COUNT context variable in FB2?
Author rj1102
> ROW_COUNT is only used in PSQL (Stored Procedures and
> Triggers) after any DML operation.
> eg:
> ChangedRows = ROW_COUNT;
> In Firebird 2, ROW_COUNT can also return the number of
> rows selected after doing a SELECT (eg: cursor open) in

Thanks, I understand.
But just out of curiosity: why is row_count not implemented in the
api for SELECT's (FB 2)?

I'm using IBSQL (IBX) and this has an AffectedRow property which
returns the number of affacted rows for DML-statements, probably
using the interbase api.

I was hoping that with the introduction of FB 2, AffectedRows of
TIBSQL would also be usefull for SELECT-statements.

Sorry if this questions is getting out of scope for this newsgroup.
