Subject RE: [firebird-support] Re: Key violation on Primary/Unique key constraint INTEG_55/30 on table(s)
Author Alan McDonald
> One question:
> How do I decrement the value of the Generator (without setting it) if
> I have tried to make a new person, but decided to cancel the idea.
> Therefore, when I press the 'Cancel' button on a form, it will
> decrement the Generator value?
> Thanks heaps!
> Gaurav

maybe you have another idea...
think about this case.....
20 people all working happily on your system
user A makes "a new person",
then user D makes "a new person",
and commits
then user A decides to cancel
user C comes along and makes "a new person"
and tries to commit - bang - Db screams at you and slaps your face for
trying to make two records with ID=3
