Subject Re: Firebird Unstable under load
Author Stan
Running as an application without a guardian, it crashed
and launched the VS7 JIT debugger, here is the stack trace:

should I post this as a bug?

fbserver.exe!LCK_release(tdbb * tdbb=0x0336fcf0, lck *
lock=0x013930b0) Line 836 C++
fbserver.exe!CMP_shutdown_database(tdbb * tdbb=0x0139233c) Line
2414 + 0x7 C++
fbserver.exe!CMP_fini(tdbb * tdbb=0x0336fcf0) Line 729 + 0x6 C++
fbserver.exe!shutdown_database(dbb * dbb=0x055a7494, unsigned char
release_pools='') Line 6031 C++
fbserver.exe!purge_attachment(tdbb * tdbb=0x0336fe44, long *
user_status=0x044ae5a0, att * attachment=0x03f6765c, unsigned char
force_flag=0) Line 6579 + 0x8 C++
fbserver.exe!isc_detach_database(long * user_status=0x00000009,
why_hndl * * handle=0x0041b9c5) Line 1678 + 0x18 C++
fbserver.exe!ThreadPriorityScheduler::InternalGet() Line 86 C++
fbserver.exe!put_specific(thdd * new_context=0x0051709c) Line
1813 + 0xa C++
fbserver.exe!THD_put_specific(thdd * new_context=0x7c809590) Line
1259 + 0x8 C++
kernel32.dll!FindAtomW() + 0x94
kernel32.dll!CreateFileMappingA() + 0xb6

--- In, "Ann W. Harrison"
<aharrison@...> wrote:
> Stan wrote:
> > should I try to run it from inside MSVC?
> That's what I'd do.
> Good luck,
> Ann