Subject Re: How to deactivate check constraint?
Author Adam
--- In, "vincent_kwinsey"
<vincent_kwinsey@...> wrote:
> Hi,
> there can be defined check constraints on table (for fields) and
> they can be listed by (it is a bit sad that no spearate table exists
> for them...):
> select rdb$trigger_name from rdb$check_constraints
> where not rdb$constraint_name starting 'INTEG' and
> rdb$constraint_name not in (select jj.rdb$constraint_name
> from rdb$ref_constraints jj)
> So - the problem is - hoe deactivate them? They are not indices - so
> alter index.. inactive cann;t work.
> One can try to inactivate the system trigget automatically created
> and associated with each of check constraint, e.g.:
> alter trigger CHECK_87 inactive
> But then the following error message is issued:
> This operation is not defined for system tables.
> unsuccessful metadata update.
> action cancelled by trigger (1) to preserve data integrity.
> Cannot update trigger used by a CHECK Constraint.
> From my experience - even the restore with referenetial constraints
> does'nt make check constraints inactive (although - user defined
> triggers are deactivated due to this).
> So - from my point of view - one should drop and recreate check
> constraints - this is the only way how to deactivate/active them!!
> Or there is more direct and less painful way available?
> Thanks for any hint in advance!

Deactivating a system index generated to support a constraint can
cause data errors because Firebird uses those indices to police the

Why do you want them de-activated?
