Subject Re: [firebird-support] Firebird Inner Join And SubSelect
Author Svein Erling Tysvaer
Well, Firebird 1.5 doesn't support derived tables, so your original
selection is not an option. I'd say you're left with at least four
choices (all could be good), one of them I already outlined below, the
other options are writing a stored procedure, creating a view for
calculating the sum and then join to this as if it was a table, and
finally using a subselect within your main select like this:

from disbursements d
where v.transno = d.transnod) as disbs,
from vattransactions v
where v.vatquarter = 20
and v.inputoutput = 'O'
order by

Myself, I rarely bother using views (they can be useful, I'm just not
using them) and write stored procedures only when simpler select
statements aren't sufficient. Hence, I would likely go for the first or
last option. The last option should be the most similar to what you
tried that doesn't work, so maybe that could be a good choice for you?

Whichever you choose, good luck.

martinthrelly wrote:
> hello. i am using firebird 1.5. the reason that i did not opt to use
> the GROUP BY clause is that my proper sql actually contains about 10
> select statements and 5 other inner joins. i just cut it down for
> this example. so it felt wrong to be grouping it by all 10 criteria
> just to get one SUM column.
> what is the best way for me to do this sql do you think?
> --- In, Svein Erling Tysvaer
> <svein.erling.tysvaer@...> wrote:
>> Assuming the combination vatcode, vatvalue and netvalue is unique,
> your
>> select can be simplified, making the derived table unneccessary:
>> select
>> v.vatcode,
>> sum(d.netvalue) as disbs
>> v.vatvalue,
>> v.netvalue
>> from vattransactions v
>> join disbursements d on v.transno = d.transno
>> where v.vatquarter = 20
>> and v.inputoutput = 'O'
>> group by
>> v.vatcode, v.vatvalue, v.netvalue
>> order by
>> v.vatcode
>> HTH,
>> Set
>> martinthrelly wrote:
>>> hi i am trying to run the following sql within IBExpert but it
> wont
>>> run saying "invalid token Select". i realise this may be a
> simple
>>> error i am making but could somebody please point me out why i
> cannot
>>> join a summed amount like this. thanks.
>>> select
>>> v.vatcode,
>>> d.disbs,
>>> v.vatvalue,
>>> v.netvalue
>>> from vattransactions v
>>> inner join (
>>> select
>>> sum(netvalue) as disbs
>>> from disbursements) d on v.transno = d.transno
>>> where v.vatquarter = 20
>>> and v.inputoutput = 'O'
>>> order by
>>> v.vatcode