Subject Re: [firebird-support] fbserver command line options
Author grostoon
Thank you Dmitry for this clear answer.


Dmitry Yemanov <dimitr@...> wrote:
grostoon wrote:
> -m : multiclient - on
> -s : standalone - true
> -i : standalone - false
> -t : multithread - true (non pc only)
> -u : multithread - false (pc only)

Although these options are shown for superserver and not for classic
server, the truth is actually exactly opposite. Superserver ignores all
the above switches and implies: multi-client + multi-thread +
standalone. Contrary, classic server is single-client and
single-threaded by default.

> - what is this standalone mode ?

Ability to listen the socket instead of [x]inetd and spawn child server
processes or threads (they're considered running in a not standalone mode).

> - what is the multiclient mode ?

Specifies maximum number of clients to serve for the standalone mode:
-m <number>

> - what is this -u option ?

In theory, it should switch between a pool of working threads and
dedicated thread/process per client connection. But as fb_inet_server on
POSIX is built without threading support, I think this switch cannot
work properly.


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