Subject Re: [firebird-support] Building Firebird for Mac OSX (Intel)
Author Helen Borrie
At 07:05 AM 6/12/2006, you wrote:
>Does anyone have a good link for the Firebird OSX Howto?
>The published link "
>FirebirdDatabaseonOSX.html" is broken. has
an extract from David's original document.

I also have here an 11-page pdf of the whole document, which someone
created from a Google cache of David's page. I'm trying to contact
David to ask whether it's OK to distribute it from our knowledgebase.

>More to the point, I'm trying to get Firebird up and running on an
>Intel Mac. I'd prefer to get a version 2.0 superserver running but
>would accept anyting right now.
>I'd even be happy with a beta version.
>If there is a better list for OSX issues please point me in that direction?

Builds and porting stuff is off-topic in the support list (this
list). I strongly recommend subscribing to the firebird-devel list
and asking about it there. There are quite a few people actively
working on MacOS ports at the moment and info trickles through in
dribs and drabs. But keep watching this list, too, for other
responses that might appear. I'm keen to put up some "platform
pages" on the website where we can centralise resources for the
"other" builds, including Mac OSX in its various guises.

^ heLen