Subject Re: UDF returning "SQL procedure" as a function result
Author legrand_legrand_63
> >
> > Hello,
> >
> > I would like to create a C++ UDF that returns the result of a SQL
> > procedure, something like:
> >
> > - select F1('PROC1',param1) from dual;
> > - select F2('PROC2',param1,param2) from dual;
> > where
> > - PROC1 is a SQL procedure with 1 IN and 1 OUT params ,
> > - PROC2 is a SQL procedure with 2 IN and 1 OUT params
> >
> > Which API should I use ?
> > - isc_execute ?
> >
> > Could you redirect me to any API description/user guide or give me any
> > advice ?
> What is F1 and F2?
F1 would be a generic UDF executing any SQL procedure having one IN
parameter, F2 would be a generic UDF executing any SQL procedure
having 2 IN parameters.
> I imagine you want something like:
> select PROC1(param1) FROM RDB$DATABASE;
> and
> select PROC2(param1, param2) FROM RDB$DATABASE;

Yes that's exactly what I want, but as it won't be available before FB
3.0, I'm investigating an other way to get PSQL functions ;o)

It seems easy to do with SQLJ, but SQLJ will not be available before
FB 3.0 too :o(
