Subject Re: [firebird-support] Re: Gbak and checks
Author Jorge Andres Brugger
Leyne, Sean escribió:
> Jorge,
>> I dont fully agree with you.
> Too bad the SQL committee doesn't agree with you.
> *You* are responsible for ensuring that existing data is updated to meet
> any new constraints that you add.
Believe me, I still dont understand why a so simple thing goes so
cumplicated! I'm talking about SQL, I'm talking about a backup tool,
which refuses to restore a backup with non-valid data, but make a backup
of the same data without any warnings ...
>> If the process can be improved, why dont do?
>> I've set my new field as "not null default = 0".
> "Default" only applies to records which are INSERTed. Not to existing
> records.
Ok, then the best idea is to allow the user add a field, define it as
not null, dont get any warning, backup that DB without any warning, and
deny the restore when needed ... that's great! :)
>> I dont know how other DB engines resolves that problems, but I'm prety
>> sure that dont do what gbak does (At least SQL Server doesnt).
> There is a gbak option which allows for restores without enforcing
> constraints. Have you tried this?
Yes, it deletes all database constraints. Nice also!

D. Yemanov was more helpful: it suggest me to try nbackup. Better than
gbak, even when a "mix" of both would be great: gbak "sweep" task +
nbackup "restore that what has backed up"

Dont missunderstand me: I´m always want to get a better Firebird. I´m
not against SQL or anyone, I´m against the useless discussions about
what can be resolved easily (maybe) :)
> Sean

Jorge Andres Brugger