Subject Re: [firebird-support] Firebird database portability
Author Christopher Chan
Nando Dessena wrote:
> Christopher,
> C> not according to Milan Babuskov. He gleaned from other material that it
> C> is needed.
> C>
> <>
> C> Which is why I asked whether firebird databases were portable...
> people tend to think fbembed.dll on Windows when you talk about
> "Firebird embedded engine". That's the reason for the answers you have
> received.

That situation is finally getting through my head. Most
Interbase/Firebird installations are on Windows I suppose.

> I am sure there are other platform-dependant files that you are
> deploying, so you should have no problems including the security
> database among them. Restoring it from a backup will not work, since
> you'd need a security database to do that. Chicken and egg.

I am using the qt4 toolkit so there is not much platform dependent stuff
involved but the build processes are different anyway so I will just
factor this in. Linux done this way, Windows done that.

Thank you all.