Subject Re: [firebird-support] Re: About CURRENT_TRANSACTION number
Author Bogusław Brandys
Adam wrote:
> > What kind number of CURRENT_TRANSACTION
> > Is it auti increment can i used in my database without worry about
> > duplicating it
> > Or it repeat him self when all transaction finished (for example)
> No it is a 32 bit integer > 0, which puts a limit on the possible
> records. As others have mentioned, it is restored to 1 when you
> restore the database (a good thing, otherwise your database could run
> out of transactions and become unusable).
> I believe there has also been some talk about changing the how the
> transaction numbers rollover, but I am not sure of the details. For
> the record, at 100 transactions per second, you dont even get a year
> before the fireworks.

And what happen on rollover ?
