Subject Re: [firebird-support] Helen - Next Book
Author Daniel Albuschat
2006/11/13, Helen Borrie <helebor@...>:
> At 10:08 PM 13/11/2006, you wrote:
> >Helen,
> >
> >When can we expect to see your next book release ?
> There's an e-book supplement coming up soon, that can be used
> alongside the current book for Firebird 2.0. The Firebird 3.0
> edition is on the drawing board; but probably my next book will be
> the Firebird API Book. It's long overdue.

Hello Helen,

I wonder about this. Why do we need an API-Book?
AFAIK, the API-Guide from interbase is sufficient so far, perhaps it needs to be
reworked for FB 2.0. Additionally, I think the vast majority of users
of Firebird use
some level of abstraction above the API-level, so they wouldn't be interested in
an API-book at all.
That's just my guess, at least. But perhaps I'm missing some facts or
misunderstood you.

Daniel Albuschat
eat(this); // delicious suicide