Subject Re: [firebird-support] Re: using port 3051
Author Dimitry Sibiryakov
On 16 Oct 2006 at 12:40, wang960 wrote:

>I'm trying out Firebird, and in my windows development machine i have
>IB6 server installed, do i have to install firebird server in order to
>get instclient? but this might affect the IB6 running in the pc, any
>way to go around this?

You should understand that if your software use gds32.dll and this
is gds32.dll from IB6, you can't use server/port notation: IB6 don't
recognise it.
So, you must either make your software to use fbclient.dll or
replace gds32.dll. No choice. But you don't need to worry - gds32.dll
from FB will work ok (via TCP/IP) with IB6 server.

SY, Dimitry Sibiryakov.