Subject RE: [firebird-support] Firebird Client version - Urgent
Author Si Carter
> -----Original Message-----
> OK Si Carter, I know how to discover a dll/exe version, but
> what's the right file that I must check the version?

It depends on what component suite you are using, if its TIB* stuff
distributed by borland it will be gds32.dll, other components allow you to
specify which client dll, i.e. fbclient.dll or gds32.dll. You could use
GetModuleHandle with paramater 'fbclient.dll', if this returns an invalid
handle then use getmodulehandle with paramater 'gds32.dll'. Once you have a
module handle you can then use getmodulefilename to get the path of the
client library you are using. Once you have the full path/filename you can
then retrieve the version.


Si Carter - Web Based Firebird Forum - FBUtils - Homepage