Subject Re: [firebird-support] fbserver.exe memory consumption increases by inserting records
Author Ivan Prenosil
> I am developing a client/server application where server has to insert a lot of records in the database. I am using
> firebird as my database server. But i have found some problem with fbserver.exe that when i insert records the memory
> consumed by the fbserver.exe increases. If i insert 100 records with the single connection fbserver.exe memory
> consumption reaches from 4MB to 90MB. The basic procedure to insert records i used is:
> Make A Connection With the database
> Starts the transaction
> Preparing the statement
> Executes the query using isc_dsql_execute_immediate
> Freeing the statement
> Commit the transaction
> and perform the last five steps multiple times and if i check the memory consumed by the fbserver.exe it increases a
> lot. But when i detach from the database all the excessive memory consumed by the fbserver.exe is released.

Why do you prepare the statement ??? isc_dsql_execute_immediate do not use it.

Where do you allocate the statment ? Do you free it using DSQL_DROP parameter ?
