Subject Re: Create Trigger by dbExpress on Firebird 1.5
Author axsp2000
--- In, Helen Borrie <helebor@i...>

> SET TERM is an ISQL statement - it's not available (or needed)
outside the
> ISQL environment.
> Note too that, even if SET TERM were valid DSQL, ExecuteDirect
> one and only one statement. Your complex CREATE TRIGGER or CREATE
> PROCEDURE statement is OK (its embedded statements are valid within
the DDL
> request) but adding extra statements is not. And if you are trying
to use
> ExecuteDirect to process an ISQL script, that can't work either.
> ./heLen

without the SET TERM i keep on experiencing errors like "SQL Server
Error-Token unknown, line 9 Char 1 END." It refuse the END keyword at
the end of CREATE TRIGGER statement. I've the same problem using an
TSQLDataset query.
Is it a dbExpress problem ?

Thank you
