Subject Re: [firebird-support] ???HELP -->Converting blob to VARCHAR or VARCHAR to blob.
Author Jason Dodson
A blob to a varchar shouldn't be hard. You can select it as a string. I could be full of it though.

Here is the StringToBlob (with other things needed) function I wrote (Originally C++, but converted to Delphi for fellow


PIBVarChar = ^TIBVarChar;
TIBVarChar = packed record
Len: SmallInt;
Str: array[0..4095] of Char;

function IBVarCharToStr(const V: TIBVarChar): string;
//An Interbase VarChar is preceeded with 2 bytes, indicating the length
//Set the length of our return string, to the length of our Interbase VarChar
setLength(Result, V.Len);

//Now we copy the string portion of the Interbase VarChar into the Return String
//We use position 1, not 0, because a Pascal string also has the length preceeding the string
Move(V.Str[0], Result[1], V.Len);

function StringToBlob(var Str: TIBVarChar; Blob: PBlob): PBlob;
var TempStr : string;
//Convert the IBVarChar to a pascal string so we can manipualte it
TempStr := IBVarCharToStr(Str);

//Set the return Pointer to an to the address of othe BLOB we pass in
Result := Blob;

//Make sure a BLOB was actually passed in
if (not Assigned(Blob)) or (not Assigned(Blob^.BlobHandle)) then exit;

//Put our string into the blob
Blob^.PutSegment(Blob^.BlobHandle, TempStr, StrLen(TempStr));


kapilpatil84firebird wrote:
> Any One Have,
> UDF TO converting blob to VARCHAR or VARCHAR to blob.
> Thanks In Advance!!!
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