Subject Re: [firebird-support] Questions about DB Size and more.
Author Martijn Tonies
Hello Michael,

> Me and a friend are discussing some issues regarding several
> databases, and have some small questions.
> 1.
> Whats the maximum size a FB DB File can have ?
> It will run on a Windows 2000/XP/2003 server running NTFS.

Pretty much "unlimited" since Firebird started using 64bit I/O.

> 2.
> Whats the maximum number of records a table can hold ?

32 to the power of 2. However, there seems to be a limit
(at least in Fb 1.5) to the maximum size that is usually reached

> 3.
> Whats the maximum number of index' a table can have ?

"lots of", you won't reach that limit ;)

> 4.
> Whats the maximum number of triggers a table can have ?

See (3), as far as I know.

> 5.
> Whats the maximum number of tables a FB DB can have ?

Somewhere just above 32000, I believe.

> 6.
> Whats the maximum number of generators a FB DB can have ?

Hmm, good one :-) ... since "generator pages" are now extended
to be multiple pages per database, there's probably a limit of how
many unique names you can figure out in 31 characters (I guess
that goes for 5 as well, but then the name space is also occupied
by views and procedures).

> 7.
> Whats the maximum size a single table can be ?

Related to (2), but I cannot remember.

> 8.
> Whats the maximum number of Stored Procedure a FB DB can have ?

See (6), I think.

> 9.
> Whats the maximum number of fields a table can have ?

That depends on the datatypes. By design, "lots of", but there's a maximum
row size of 64Kbytes, so that would be about 16384 INTEGER columns.

> 10.
> Whats the maximum number of views a FB DB can have ?

Same namespace as tables, use the same counters etc...

> 11.
> Whats the maximum number of domains a FB DB can have ?

Plenty. Probably no real limit imposed, but rather a namespace problem

Martijn Tonies
Database Workbench - tool for InterBase, Firebird, MySQL, Oracle & MS SQL
Upscene Productions
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