Subject Re: [firebird-support] New member, need help with data 'padding?'
Author Pavel Menshchikov
Hello John,

s> I am reading csv files to a table using firebirds built in
s> functionality. However when I query the fields I need the data returned
s> padded, for example if I query on a First_Name field I want the data
s> to be returned like "John " and trunicated if it exceedes the
s> field width.
What is a field First_Name definition (with which you get trimmed
value)? Use CHAR (not VARCHAR), set appropriate options in your data
access components (some may auto-trim CHAR fields by default), and
you'll get what you want without additional actions.

s> I was thinking that I could set this up as a trigger for when the data
s> is droped into the table, and am hoping that I do not have to code the
s> padding routines into the client programs as that would increase the
s> complexity of the project ENOURMOUSLY!
You don't need it at all.

Best regards,
Pavel Menshchikov