Subject Re: [firebird-support] Firebird SQL help...
Author Robert martin
You could do it with a LEFT JOIN


SELECT FIRST 1 a.Desc, b.ID2
LEFT JOIN b ON b.ID1 = a.ID1
WHERE a.ID1 = :KeyValue

In your code a test for NULL on the b.ID2 field tells you if there are
any records in 'b'. I don't know which method gives better performance
but in your case I prefer your original method.

Rob Martin
Software Engineer

phone +64 03 377 0495
fax +64 03 377 0496

Wild Software Ltd

Greg At ACD wrote:

>Hi all,
>DB: FB 1.5.2 SuperServer
>I have 2 tables as follows (oversimplified for clarity):
>ID1 int (this is a PK)
>Desc varchar(80)
>ID2 int (this is a PK)
>ID1 int (this is a FK to Table 1)
>So, Table1 shares a one to many relationship with Table2.
>What I am trying to do is to create a query that, given a valid key
>value, returns "Desc" and an indicator as to whether or not there are
>any instances of ID1 in table 2.
>Something like this (obviously pseudo-type code here)
>SELECT a.Desc,
> EXISTS(SELECT b.ID2 from TABLE2 b where b.ID1=a.ID1) AS X
>WHERE a.ID1 = <keyvalue>
>I keep thinking there's a way of doing this in a single statement, but
>I cant seem to grab what it might be...
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