Subject Re: [firebird-support] Database Server
Author David Johnson
On Thu, 2005-08-18 at 14:45 +0200, Louis Werth wrote:
> Hi
> One of my clients wants to upgrade the database Server to a 3.4Ghtz Hyper
> treading CPU. Is this OK for firebird?
Yes ... use the Classic connection model (not superserver).

> Meaning Hyper treading?
A single CPU pretends (in hardware) to be two CPU's, an looks to the OS
and applications like two CPU's. You may want to check out the AMD
dual-core chips - they're less expensive and can offer more horsepower
than the Intel offerings.

There used to be problems with the 64 bit compile of firebird. I don't
recall the details, so double check back here before moving to a 64 bit
Athlon or Xeon box.

> Windows 2003 sever
> Regards
> Louis