Subject Re: Problem with TIMESTAMP field precision
Author alexanderl3
Thanks a lot. It works fine now.

--- In, "Dmitry Sibiryakov"
<SD@t...> wrote:
> On 17 Aug 2005 at 1:01, alexanderl3 wrote:
> >Is it a bug or I need to change some settings to allow higher
> >resolution? Is it in IBX5, API DLL or FB itself?
> This is a bug. From my POV it is in IB API (isc_encode_timestamp
> and IBX (that use this function).
> >If it is IBX5 problem, what other controls can be used to work with
> >miliseconds?
> Hands.drv and Brain.sys.
> const
> IBTimeDivider=24*60*60*10000;
> IBDateOffset=-15018;
> Field.AsDateTime := Date; // Initialize buffer
> With PISC_TIMESTAMP(Field.Data^.sqldata)^ do
> begin
> timestamp_date := Trunc(Value)-IBDateOffset;
> timestamp_time := Round(IBTimeDivider*Abs(Frac(Value)));
> end;
> --
> SY, Dimitry Sibiryakov.