Subject Re: [firebird-support] Re: Valid reasons for sorting on a column one doesn't select? - a BUG!
Author Woody
From: "Grant Brown" <grant@...>

> This is completely uncalled for. Helen and I butt heads regularly and
> vigorously on this list over some design issues, but she is a first
> class person in my books. Her knowledge of Firebird in particular, and
> her volunteer efforts educating and finding solutions on behalf of the
> many people on this and other lists are worthy of a much higher level of
> respect.
> I think we would all second the above with out even needing to think
> about it.
> Helen and Ann are one of our best resources in the FireBird community.
> Anyone that can't work that out is a Fool. IMO of course :-)

I have been around here for a long time and the "pointy hat Helen" tag is a
light-hearted and lovingly applied name that she uses herself at times.
Those of us who have been around for awhile use it when we know a thread is
getting way to off topic for this list. This subject is more suited for the
development list since it discusses a design issue, more or less.

I have great respect for Helen, and the others who have done nothing but
help those of us on this list who have needed it. I also know that Helen
takes no offence to this little playful name she gladly accepts as one of
the moderators.

Woody (TMW)