Subject Re: [firebird-support] Re: Checking for installation
Author Robert martin
Thanks Adam

The application that needs to check is a service pack for our
executables. We have decided just to check for the existence of
GDB32.dll of FbClient.Dll as a basic test. It really is just a case of
not updating the BDE version of our application :)

Rob Martin
Software Engineer

phone +64 03 377 0495
fax +64 03 377 0496

Wild Software Ltd

Adam wrote:

>--- In, Robert martin <rob@c...> wrote:
>>We have two versions of our app, and old BDE / Dbase version and the
>>FB version. We want out service pack to not install if FB is not
>>installed. What is the easiest / best way to check if FB is
>>(in Windows) ?
>Hello Rob,
>The easiest way is to try to connect to your database and catch the
>exception :)
>There are a number of options though.
>If your program is the only connection to the database, then my advise
>would be to forget whether Firebird is installed and just use the
>embedded engine. Simple, no fuss, no breaking anyone elses
>installation, no being broken by anyone elses installation, and faster
>than SS and CS.
>If you do need to install SS or CS, then there is a registry key
>created by the installer that you might want to check to get the path
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