Subject Re: [firebird-support] Possible bug in FB 1.5.2 Classic on linux - connection pooling interaction
Author David Johnson
Thanks ... I will continue this on the java thread.

Only the testcase is expected to create and drop queue's regularly
enough to run out of table handles. It can (will) be modified to re-
create the database on instantiation. Large production systems should
only see a few hundred queue' to a few thousand queues at any time.

Thanks again.

On Mon, 2005-08-01 at 14:25 -0400, Ann W. Harrison wrote:
> johnson_dave2003 wrote:
> >
> > The functional requirement being tested is that the system
> > administrator must be able to construct and destroy queues and their
> > backing storage (1 table + 1 generator) dynamically at runtime.
> I'm not entirely sure why you're seeing a deleted table - that's the blr
> error - but suspect that in the short run this design is going to have
> problems. The internal table id is a short and table ids are not
> reused. You get to create 32640 tables then you must backup and restore
> the database. (That's 32767 minus the 127 tables reserved for the system.)
> Regards,
> Ann
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