Subject Re: [firebird-support] Firebird 1.5 VPN server and Zebedee
Author Milan Babuskov
Marius van Tubbergh wrote:
> I have set up a VPN server hosting a firebird database using Zebedee.

Zebedee is just a tunnel. It does not provide VPN. So, do you have some
real VPN software, or just zebedee?

> I can connect to the VPN server from remote client pc

How exactly do you connect? What is your connection string?

> but when connecting more than 1 computers to the VPN
> server hosting the firebird database

VPN servers don't host Firebird databases, Firebird servers do. It's
unclear what are you trying to do.

> I receive the following error:
> Project Project1.exe raised exception class EIBInterBaseError with message
> 'I/O error for file "d:\test\zebedee.fdb" Error while trying to open file
> unknown Win32 error 32'.

This looks like an issue with multiple Firebird servers accessing the
same file?

> Can I have more than 1 connections to the db on VPN server?

Depends on what that means to you. With Zebedee you can have multiple
connections on Firebird server, but I guess that is not what you're
doing. Do you have a configuration like this:

| Firebird server |
| +- 3050 - zebedee-server <-> zebedee client - 3050
| zebedee.fdb |


Milan Babuskov