Subject RE: [firebird-support] Re: Reboot to Restore
Author Alan McDonald
> Hmmm, actually I use C++ in this very large isapi web app, but
> you may be right
> about not comitting selects. I may not be insuring that. How
> long might FB wait
> before it determines a connection is dead? It is usually 30
> minutes to several hours
> after the most recent web hit on the dev site that I try to do a restore.
> Kyle

In my experience, an ISAPI app will not drop the connection unless you
program it to. ie. if you write the app to connect on load, then it will
remain in IIS memory loaded and connected until you "net stop iisadmin".
You will need to do some connection on demand stuff, connection pooling and
connection timeout stuff to do what you want in the isap app.
Either that or do it on PHP - it's alot better :-)