Subject Re: [firebird-support] How to change the owner of database
Author Thomas Steinmaurer
>>How can i change the owner of the database?
> You could backup and restore with other user, but all database object
> will be owned by other user. So you have these options (that I know of):
> 1. Dump metadata to sql script with (isql -x option), create new
> database with new owner and run that sql on it (edit if needed). Then
> pump existing data from old database (using some tool like FBCopy).
> 2. Use tool like FB Owner Migrator (I don't know where you can get it,
> but you can ask at firebird-tools group if you like).

By sending an email to "ts AT" requesting the download
URL. People asked me why I won't offer a public download link for that.

The two main reasons are:

- FBOM hacks system tables (carefully researched though), so I want to
know who is using this beast, and

- Charging the requester 100.000 EUR, so that I'm getting closer to a
home in West Canada (Rocky Mountains)


Best Regards,
Thomas Steinmaurer
LogManager Series - Logging/Auditing Suites supporting
InterBase, Firebird, Advantage Database, MS SQL Server and
NexusDB V2 (NEW!)
Upscene Productions